Friday, June 11, 2010

Back On Track

I weighed in this morning and lost 7 lbs. for a total of 34.2 and my total of 48.2
I am so happy to be back on track. I think I did so well this week is because I have been taking a new pain medicine since I had to go back to the emergency room on Sunday but this time for my shoulder. I don't know what has been happening to me lately. I can handle pain but this pain was worse than my knee pain. My knee is fine now and the emergency room doctor told me that if I did have a torn menicus (sp) that it would still hurt. I did to much yesterday with weed whacking that I couldn't put my arm up over my head. I am suppose to call the doctor today. I am just one big pain. I guess turning 50 has it's downfalls. LOL My hubby is going to trade me in for a new model. Oh, I am rambling and didn't finish my shoulder story. They took x-rays and he found nothing wrong with my shoulder. He said I might have pulled a muscle or something. Even though I lost 7 lbs this week I want to start exercising again. I think I might try to get on my exercise bike and do my 3 mile walk away the lbs. tapes. I just won't raise my arms when they do certain exercises.

Our garden is growing like crazy. We have had some major rain and that is really helping. We already have broccoli. My hubby had to more 2 cabbage plants because my squash is taking over. I can't wait to grill the squash and all the other vegetables. I have been using my grill a lot because my oven is broke and my hubby is working so much overtime that he hasn't been able to fix it. I made tons of skirt steak so he can take burritos to work. He says he is always happy with that.

It is time for me to go because I haven't had breakfast yet because I don't eat before I weigh in and it is almost time for lunch so I think I will make a big salad and chop up either some chicken or steak in it.

Have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

Wow 7lbs?! Way to go!!!! Sorry to hear about you knee and shoulder, I agree getting old stinks. This has been an incredible year for plants, I have tomoatoes and strawberries so far. I love the picture. Have a great weekend.

garnett109 said...

take care of that knee

Jody V said...

Way to go Dutch! Sorry about your shoulder. I feel pain too when I do too much.

Your garden always does so well! I only have 1 cuke so far.

Have a great weekend.

Missie said...

Take care of your knee. You don't want to end up like me. I'm having my 3rd surgery on Thursday.

Hollie said...

You go GIRL! Great job! Sorry you're still having issues. I hope they improve soon. Your flowers are so pretty. I love the little signs you have in the pot! Have a great day!