Saturday, July 17, 2010

Short and Sweet

I weighed in last week and gained 1.4. Today I lost 2.8 ww total 41.2 my total 55.4 I am so happy and I finally think I got it. I know I am still going to have slip ups but I don't let it devastate me anymore.
I went to the
rheumatologist and she was upset that my general doctor diagnosed me without doing more tests so I had 28 xrays done, 6 vials of blood drawn and peed in a cup. I am upset that I read 2 books regarding rheumatoid arthritis and get upset and starting crying a little in the doctors office. I guess it is a good thing that she is so good at what she does that she wanted all these tests done. I don't go back to see her until August 11th but she told me if there is anything to be concerned about she will call. I think I will call next week anyway to see what the results are. I think having to wait another 24 days is a little unreasonable.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


garnett109 said...

wishing you well soon

bbubblyb said...

Hope all the tests turned out ok. Way to go on the lose and all your progress.

Rhonda said...

Hope you get answers soon! 55.4 pounds is awesome! said...

I know how you feel..glad u have a good Dr.
my sister in law takes embrel for her ra and has no pain. She gets disability and you would never know a thing is wrong with her.

Retta said...

Hi, I'm just getting caught up on blogs, and am sorry to read about your problems with pain and RA.

I don't know if this will help or not, but I was diagnosed with Lupus, RA, and Osteoarthritis in both knees... amongst other things. Not fun stuff, so I can sympathize with what you are going through.

One thing that made a dramatic difference for me, painwise, was when I stopped eating sugar. If you do a search on the internet on the connection between sugar and pain, you'll find that sugar INCREASES our sensitivity to pain.

Anyway, I just know that now I have cut way way back on the pain meds. Regardless as to what is causing the pain, RA or something else, it helps to cut out the sugar. Well, I should say it helped ME, since we are all different. :-)

Hope you get good news from the Dr.


Missie said...

I was lucky to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as quickly as I did. Most people with FM and RA go years in pain before they get the right kind of help. Have a good week.

Missie said...

I was lucky to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as quickly as I did. Most people with FM and RA go years in pain before they get the right kind of help. Have a good week.


its been a while since I have checked with you (you used to read my old blog Journey To The Healthier Side of Life - I also started a new one, like you did). I am sorry that you are going through pain, but it sounds like you have a good doctor who is taking every precaution, and that is a good thing! Wishing you well!

Jody V said...

Hang in there Dutch! You are really rocking that weight loss!! I'm sure that will help with the RA also. Keep your chin up and work that garden Lady!!
